以一个普通汕头市民的视角打开汕头华侨试验区东海岸新城会是什么样的体验? What kind of experience will it be to open East Coast New Town in Shantou Pilot Zone with Overseas Chinese from the perspective of an ordinary Shantou citizen? 汕头华侨经济文化合作试验区位于汕头湾出海口,规划面积约480平方公里,包含龙湖区、澄海区、濠江区部分区域和南澳岛,属于经济功能区。其中,直管区面积28.82平方公里,包括东海岸新城和珠港新城。 Shantou Pilot Zone for Economic and Cultural Cooperation with Overseas Chinese is located at the estuary of Shantou Bay. The Pilot Zone's planning area is about 480 square kilometers, the functional economic zone including Longhu District, Chenghai District, part of Haojiang District, and Nan'Ao Island. The direct management area covers 28.82 square kilometers, including the East Coast New Town ad Zhu gang New Town. 开始建立/2014.9.15 2014年9月15日,国务院正式批复同意在汕头经济特区设立华侨经济文化合作试验区,建设21世纪海上丝绸之路重要门户。 On September 15, 2014, the State Council approved to the establish of the Pilot Zone for Economic and Cultural Cooperation with Overseas Chinese in Shantou (hereinafter referred to as Overseas Chinese Pilot Zone). Making Shantou becoming the gateways of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road. 科教文卫/ 2022.10.1 2022年汕头大学东海岸校区正式揭牌启用!迎华诞,接续奋斗再起航。10月1日上午,在举国欢庆新中国成立73周年之日,汕头大学东海岸校区正式揭牌启用,这是汕头大学“一体多翼”新布局的历史性突破,更是高水平大学建设的跨越性新篇。 “汕头大学东海岸校区的正式启用是汕头大学扩容、提质、增效的历史性时刻,是汕头大学发展里程碑上浓墨重彩的一笔。” East Coast Campus of Shantou University will be officially opened in 2022! Welcoming the Chinese birthday, continuing to struggle and set sail. On the morning of October 1, on the day when the whole country celebrated the 73rd anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the East Coast Campus of Shantou University was officially inaugurated, which is a historic breakthrough in the new layout of Shantou University's "one body with multiple wings", and also a leapfrog new chapter in the construction of high-level universities. 1 招商引资 2022年6月16日,汕头立讯技术有限公司成立,法定注册资本1亿元,经营范围包含技术进出口;货物进出口;通信设备制造;通讯设备销售等。立讯全球电子信息产业中心项目成功落户东海岸新城,招商引资成效明显。 On June 16, 2022, Shantou Luxshare Technology Co., Ltd. was established with a legal registered capital of 100 million yuan, and its business scope includes technology import and export; Import and export of goods; Communication equipment manufacturing; Communication equipment sales, etc. Luxshare Global Electronic Information Industrial Center successfully settled in the East Coast new town, attracting investment effect is obvious. 2 公共建筑 2022年5月6日,因为疫情防控需要,亚奥理事会和中国奥组委经过商议后,决定延迟杭州亚运会,成都大运会,并直接取消汕头亚青会。筹办了三年的亚青会取消,市民朋友们心理落差感很大。位于华侨试验区新建的主场馆,按计划将移交汕头大学东校区作为办学使用。 On May 6, 2022, due to the need of epidemic prevention and control, Olympic Council of Asia and Chinese Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games decided to postpone the Hangzhou Asian Games and the Chengdu Universiade after discussion, and directly cancel the Shantou Asian Youth Games. The Asian Youth Congress, which has been held for three years, has been cancelled, and the citizens' friends have a great sense of psychological difference.Located in the Overseas Chinese Pilot Zone, the newly built pavilion will be transferred to the East campus of Shantou University as planned. 2023.1.23汕头还举行了盛大的烟火表演,吸引很多观众前来观赏。 On January 23, 2023,Shantou also held a grand fireworks show, attracting many spectators to watch. 3 侨乡文化 东海岸公园位于华侨试验区,公园分为四个园区,并以时间脉络为主线:第一园区为“时间之环”,以时钟为原形、湖面为载体,结合“下南洋印象剧”、红头船、“十二生辰景观灯”、英歌舞展示廊、潮剧场等内容,讲述“侨胞”飘洋过海打拼的历史印记。第二园区为“时间溪谷”,该园区两侧为高层建筑,具有商业街区特征,将结合中心河涌打造滨水空间,并结合溪谷形态,打造出一道“中流击水”,寓意侨人发展的时间溪谷景观带。第三园区为“梦想腾飞”,重点打造“汕头角”的主题形象广场,体现潮汕人民“撸起袖子加油干”。第四园区是“拥抱未来”,园区内将打造纪念林、标志广场、和谐广场和公益性体育场,寓意实现自我梦想、从而走向世界,拥抱未来。 The East Coast Park is located at the Overseas Chinese Pilot Zone. The park is divided into four parts, and takes the time context as the main line: the first park is the "ring of time", which takes the clock as the prototype and the lake surface as the carrier, and combines the contents of "the Southern Ocean Impression Drama", "Red Boat", "the Twelfth Birthday Landscape Light", the Yingge Dance Gallery, and the Chaozhou Theater to tell the historical imprint of "overseas Chinese" fighting across the sea. The second park is "Time Valley". The two sides of the park are high-rise buildings with the characteristics of commercial blocks. The waterfront space will be built in combination with the central stream, and the shape of the valley will be combined to create a "middle stream hitting the water", implying the development of overseas Chinese. The third park is "Dream to take off", focusing on creating the theme image square of "Shantou Corner", reflecting the "roll up your sleeves and work hard" of Chaoshan people. The fourth park is to "embrace the future". In the park, memorial forest, symbol square, harmony square and public welfare stadium will be built, implying the realization of self dream, so as to go to the world and embrace the future. 4 公共医疗 汕头市中心医院易地重建项目建设地点位于澄海区凤翔街道塔岗围片区梅峰路与五洲大道交界处西南角,计划建设期限为2020年6月至2024年9月,项目总投资约53亿元。 The construction site of Shantou Central Hospital Relocation Reconstruction Project is located at the southwest corner of the junction of Meifeng Road and Wuzhou Avenue in Tagangwei District, Fengxiang Street, Chenghai District. The planned construction period is from June 2020 to September 2024. The total investment of the project is about 5.3 billion yuan. 5 扬帆起航 沧海桑田,许多高楼大厦拔地而起,通往幸福的柏油大路正在延伸。我们可以看到华侨试验区建设逐渐形成规模,经济辐射原理逐渐生效,在习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想科学指引下,文化经济建设事业蒸蒸日上。 在一片荒芜中开拓,是潮商精神典型代表,也是沿海人民决心的表彰。以高质量高水平现代化建设为目标,科研民生公共服务齐头并进,招商引资,筑巢引凤,一起打造更美丽更先进的文明汕头!我们由衷希望家乡越来越好,也企盼更多人感受到汕头的魅力,走近汕头,拥抱汕头! Exploiting in the wilderness is a typical representative of the spirit of Chaozhou merchants and a recognition of the determination of the coastal people. With the goal of high-quality and high-level modernization construction, scientific research and public services for people's livelihood go hand in hand, attract investment, build nests and attract phoenix, and build a more beautiful and advanced civilized Shantou! We sincerely hope that our hometown will become better and better, and that more people will feel the the charm of Shantou, come close to Shantou and embrace Shantou! ★ NEWS ★ • 华侨经济文化合作试验区 • • 创新试验|走向世界 • |